Wilderness & Exclusive
Fishing Conditions


All Gear Included


Life Time Adventure


Professional Guides


Overnight Float Trip

Take the challenge and join us for an angling trip you will never forget!

Overnight floating adventure is a multi-day camping and fishing trip that lasts from two to five days, depending on the river destination and anglers itinerary. These trips are perfect for anglers of all skill levels and are an excellent way to get access to the most remote trout streams in Patagonia and for an unforgettable wilderness experience.

Trip Description. Your adventure begins early in the morning when we arrive at the river. After a briefing from the head guide, you will set up your fishing gear and begin floating and fishing for wild rainbows and brown trout. A cargo raft will carry all personal and camping gear ahead of us and they will set up a full camp with dinner, kitchen and angler tents. You will arrive at the end of the day to a fully-set camp, enjoy local appetizers with a gin and tonic so you can relax by the fire before dinner. Six-man dome tents are shared by two anglers and come with cots, sleeping bags, and air mattresses. Dinners are cooked "Argentine Style" over an open fire with steaks, fresh salads, tasty side dishes, Argentine Malbec wines and gourmet desserts. The following morning after a hearty breakfast, guides and anglers will start fishing and floating downstream while the cargo-guides pack all of the gear and meet us at our next campsite. This process will repeat until you reach the take-out point and are returned to your accommodation. We provide all necessary camping gear and the best quality in the market.

The Area, Rivers and Fishing. Our multi–day floating trips offer a wide variety of fishing opportunities in the beautiful Nahuel Huapi National Park. Our Bariloche fly fishing guides will take you to the following rivers: Malleo, Chimehuin, Alumine, Limay, Manso, Pichi Leufu, Collon Cura and Caleufu. This rivers offer challenging fishing conditions from shallow riffles, undercut banks, isolated channels, and deep pools. The river destination will be determined by the head guide considering your stay lenght, preferences, and river water levels. The opportunities for true wild trophy trout are always possible, with huge fish being landed each year by many anglers.

Rates based per Day - per Angler
$490 USD per day, per angler
$655 USD per day for a single angler (join with a single guide)

Your payment includes
Private transportation from hotel to fishing sites
Boat and Certified English speaking Guide each two anglers
All meals and beverages including wine and beer
All necessary camping & fishing gear
Advance pre-trip information

Your payment does not include
Fishing licenses (we will get it in advance)

Wire transfer to our US. Bank account
We accept full payment in US. dollar cash and Crypto currency
Credit cards and Paypal are accepeted with an extra fee
All prices are in US dollars

After booking a trip we will send you a comprehensive information pack and a check list; to be sure you arrive with everything you will really need.


We invite you to join us for a life time adventure and to pursuit for wild trophy trout’s in Patagonia Argentina

Send us a message!